Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Cleaning Party


Chris got me up at 7:30. I did the usual, and listened to more of the interview from last night.

He packed the cooler (although it was below freezing outside) and we stopped for gaas, then went to Tooele. We shopped at Luckey's and Melanies, though I didn't get much there. Then we went to Macey's and back to base, listening to the book on CD. We stopped at the commissary for a few things, and the post office, then went home. We unloaded the groceries. I made and ate breakfast while listening to the rest of the interview with Dr. Zach Bush. I finished it just before 1. I gathered a few cleaners and went to Heather's old house.

I met Michelle and Jamie there. Deb came and started on the ceiling fans. Heather came and worked in the kitchen with me. I cleaned cupboards and the stove area and took a swipe at the top of the fridge. I cleaned shelves inside the fridge. She gets the award for most stuff behind and under a stove. She thinks her daughter 'dropped' all that stuff back there while cleaning the kitchen.

It was after 4 when I left. Others were already gone and Heather needed to go home. When I got home, Chris asked for help with the squash. I rinsed the seeds and emptied the compost container. I took the afternoon dose of Parasmart. Chris roasted the squash and the seeds. I put on a QnA to listen to as I went through Telegram messages. Michelle invited me over for game night. I heated supper in the toaster oven and minced some fresh and pickled garlic cloves. I ate some roasted seeds with supper. I worked on my blog.

Then around 8, Michelle texted that it was ok to come over for game night. So I told Chris, then took the water container and drove over there. They seemed happy to see me. She took the water container and put it in the kitchen.

The game was already cued up on the screen. She and I sat on the couch and I began to play. Some games were fairly simple to solve, but two were really conundrums. So she looked up the solutions and read them to me. They were not elegant solutions and in one case, did not use all the pieces and balls given.

I quit around 10:45. Casey filled the water container from their new under-the-sink water filter. I thanked them and drove home. Chris was still up. I placed the water on the counter and took another dose of Parasmart. I listened to a little more of Mary and Polly before I went to bed.

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