Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A new tens unit


I got up before 7:30. That spot on my groin still felt sore, like having a bandaid ripped off. Or like sore hair follicles when you have the flu.

I listened to RFK jr talk to Dane Wiggington from He had a lot of good points. Partly it had something to do with VPD. I was washing dishes so I didn't hear everything he said.

I ran to swap shop with the extra cleaners from yesterday and to open it for Shiloh. I came home and posted swap shop pics on Facebook. I think I sat in the sun for a bit? Then Faye called around 11:11 to talk about buying Dad's house. I made breakfast, the ate fruit in the sun. I went back to the internet. Chris came home briefly, and left again.

At 2 I went to lock up the swap shop, then over to Saronna's house to play. We picked a few songs from a gospel song book, and when the Saints go Marching In. Then she had to pick up her kids and I went home to change my shoes.

I walked with Diane and Tonja and picked up trash. I went home, and listened to Mike Adams. At 5 I went to the gas station and read a book until Chrissy showed up. She had a tens unit for sale. I made sure my pads fit it and she showed me how it works. I paid her and we parted ways.

I listened to another Mike Adams interview while reading the unit instructions. Chris came home from work. I heated leftovers in the toaster oven and made a salad. After eating, I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of SG1. Later he went to bed, and at 11, so did I.

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