Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Wednesday that wasn't


I got up before 8. I did the what constitutes the usual for a non-Wednesday. I started washing dishes, then went to colonel's house at 9 to get my cleaning supplies. I took them to Arzu's house and started cleaning her fridge. I took out all the shelves and bins. I washed each one and left it to dry.

Then I went to the apartment building and signed for one on the second floor. One of the inspectors offered to show me how to get the bins out of the colonel's fridge. So we went up there . He also told me the ovens weren't being replaced, so I needed to clean them. Which means I can't have the oven racks. (They are really nice racks.)

I went back to Arzu's house and worked in the bathroom upstairs. I also washed windows and window tracks. I went home for lunch and got my vacuum and some Mop-n-Glo. I went back to finish upstairs. I got to the bottom of the steps, then went walking with the ladies - Diane and Jenni. Then I went back to Arzu's house to finish vacuuming and mopping. I had to move the fridge and stove to mop behind them. I moved all my stuff and hers out to the garage and swept it. Then I mopped the kitchen and utility room.

Arzu drove up as I was putting stuff in my car. She didn't want the cleaners she had left behind so I inherited them. She paid me $20/ hr for the day. I gave her tips for the inspection tomorrow. We hugged and she left. I went home.

I was exhausted but went out to water the cabbages I planted yesterday(?). They looked dry. Having the hose in my hand, I watered some gopher holes too. In my head I was singing Maxwell's Silver Hammer. Then I went in the house to take a shower and lay down because I was so tired and achy. But laying down didn't seem to help. I heard Chris come home from Mass. I got up, put on a nightgown, and read e-mail. Texts about Kincie's death came through my phone. It hit us all hard. Then I worked on my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of SG1. I listened to a podcast for an hour, then did some tapping and went to bed.

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