Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Djimbe practice


I got up before 8. After the usual beginning, I read outside in the sun with my bare feet on the grass. When I came in, I picked out spent seed pods from a recent batch of sprouts. They seem to be rotting the sprouts.

I went cleaning at the colonel's house at 10. I did almost all the cupboards in the kitchen. I went home for breakfast. Jamie came by to get a key for an empty apartment to clean. Chris was home for lunch. I made and ate breakfast. Chris went back to work. I heated the goat milk and made cheese. I also made a batch of seed crackers.

I went to the school to walk with the ladies. Only Michelle showed up. I signed the pic she made for Diane. She and I walked around the streets where there was some shade. Then we stood by our cars and talked.

I went to pick up Sophia and her djimbe. We went to my house. I cued up music from Youtube and we practiced drumming rhythms. We took a break to clean, putting particular attention on the silly putty spot from last week. Then we went back to the music for a few more rhythms. I explained that we are now done with tutoring. I took her home at 6 and gave her mother a blueberry pie left from the colonel's house. I stayed to talk to Saronna and Randy about watering the apple tree with a hose from Cecelia's house.

When I got back, I talked to Chris. I ate some vegetables, not bothering to make them into a salad. Then I ate some fruit. I listened to a podcast on the death of Dr. Buttar. Then I worked on my blog and heated tea. We watched the last two episodes of SG1 season 7. That last episode was twice as long as usual, so it was late and we both went to bed.

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