Monday, May 22, 2023

Getting the big plants outside


I got up before 8. I brushed and swished, etc. I checked on the microgreens and they were pushing the weighted container off! So I uncovered them and put them in the sun with a foil tray behind to reflect the light.

I read e-mail for a bit, then made dried fruit and nut balls. But what a sticky mess! It stuck more to my hands than to itself. I left out the honey because they were too sweet already. I rolled each one in coconut. But later decided they needed cinnamon. Cleanup was a chore, too.

I made and ate breakfast, then got dressed for church. I took some balls and my trombone. I was the first to get to the chapel, although Diane and her husband were right behind me. Apparently the chapel assistant is TDY. So we sat and talked until the pastor came from Tooele. He joined in the conversation. Then Jenni and Rick came with Michelle. After awhile, he started on his sermon. When he finished, I played a few hymns suggested by the congregants. Then he invited Diane and Singh up for a hands-on prayer for their new life in Virginia. We had snacks, and everyone went home.

I changed clothes, and Chris helped me dump out the sweet potato plant. I envisioned really big potatoes because it has been growing in the bag for two years. But they were disappointingly small. I saved the leaves for salad and put the stems in water to root. Then we dumped out the other pot, which should have had white potatoes, but no. They were gone and just three pepper plants remained. So I planted them in a box in the back yard. I had to water it really well because the dirt was so dry. Having the hose out, I watered other outdoor areas and some gopher holes, too.

Chris moved the tower garden outside. I went to the garden to plant the remains of the sweet potato roots. I discovered the water timer was out of power. So I went home for new batteries. But when I installed them and turned the water on, it sprayed out from the top and bottom of the timer! Some water went to the drip lines, but not all the way to the end.

When I got home, I used the sweet potato leaves to make a salad with radishes and cucumber. I also had leftover fish for supper. Stirling came over to get the ramp. I looked up garden stuff, then cut the onion scapes and froze them.

I watched a video about the benefits of drinking carbonated water. Co2 is good for you! Then I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of SG1. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read a little more e-mail.

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