Sunday, May 7, 2023

The game is finished!


I got up before 8, not sure how well I slept. I know I listened to two rounds of the BWE before turning off the headphones. I did the usual first stuff, then listened to podcasts. I went to the company house at 9 to start the laundry. I searched the house for towels that weren't in the pile. It looked like their personal stuff was still here.

I went home, read more e-mail and articles, and went back to put sheets in the dryer and towels and bathmats in the washer. The bathroom light was on and I thought I turned it off. I went home. After more reading, I made and ate breakfast, then went back to dress the beds and put the towels in the dryer. I hung up the bathmats to dry.

At home, I put sheets in my washer, and wrote invoice for April and emailed it. I made a grocery list. I read e-mail until Chris came home from writing his sitrep. He was frustrated that it took longer than he anticipated. He asked if we could go to Tooele tomorrow morning instead. Since the power is scheduled to be off until noon, I agreed.

I went back to the company house to finish the towels and take out the trash. My back was bothering me so I didn't do any cleaning or vacuuming. The personal items were gone. When I got home, I went for a walk to the swap shop and back.

I read an article on planting by the phase of the moon. Plant beets, potatoes, etc now, and above ground veggies during waxing moon. I played audios and puzzles.

Finally I had supper at 6. I watches a video on deep fakes. It is distressing to see how easy technology makes fake videos seem completely real. I worked on my blog, then listened to an interview on fasting before menopause vs fasting after menopause.

At 8 I took the water container and a baggie of sprouts to Michelle's house. Casey was getting the game up on the monitor. She and I talked for a little while till it was up. The kids were still up so I chatted with them, too, and they made suggestions on the game. With a little help, I won the last 3 games, not realizing that was the end. But when the lights flashed and a trophy appeared on the screen, it was an exciting moment. But also a little sad.

It was also 11pm, so we wrapped up our conversation, and I took the full water container home. It was too heavy, so I left it in the car. I came inside, turned off the router, and got ready for bed.

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