Friday, September 1, 2023

Too tired to clean


I got up at 7:30. It seemed suddenly cool, too cool to walk outside barefoot. So I read e-mail and looked at sewing projects online for awhile. Later I went out and watered the plants. Then I changed into a nice top and black pants. I drove to the school for the Change of Responsibility program in the auditorium. Basically, the old CSM handed off responsibility to the new CSM. Afterward, I stood around talking, first to the chaplain, then to the principal, before getting in line to say farewell to Mauvet.

Then Chris got in my car and we went and parked behind the library. We went to the reception for the new CSM, Henderson. I shook hands with him and his family, then went and talked to Jenni. I got a plate with veggies and fruit. I called Michelle and she came over. Saronna joined us too.

In the middle of all of this, my phone rang. The lady whose apartment I was supposed to sign for, called to ask where I was. I thought it was at 1!. I ran home for a contract, then to her apartment, where she and the inspectors were waiting. She gave me the key and the cash, which I put in an envelop. Then we all signed the contract and I left.

I went home to get the sewing project announced on our Facebook pages. Then I made and ate breakfast. At 12:30 I went to the school, as the principal had suggested. I was able to go into the band room and look through sets of music. Not everything had every part, or the score. But I pulled quite an armful. I stopped at the secretary's desk on the way out. Then I carried the stack to my car. Was it ever heavy!

I went home to finish watching The Highwire. The broadcast was almost over. Then I went to the gym to walk with Michelle. We talked about her, and also about CJ offering to let us milk her goat next spring. Michelle suggested we could keep it in her back yard for the summer and get enough milk to last us both all winter. Hmm. We also got a big ladder and plugged in an extension cord so we can charge our phones while we walk.

So then I went back home, too exhausted to go cleaning. I read some e-mail, and made cheese squares. Then I sat out on the porch and read for awhile. It was lovely with the breeze. When I came in, I read some more, snacked on frozen watermelon, and worked on my blog.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to tap and to read.

** This is apalling! **

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