Tuesday, September 12, 2023

No one for band practice


I got up around 8. I pressed the shorts that I finished yesterday, and noticed that Chris had dropped another pair of pants on my sewing table. I auditioned boxes for Tonja's meds. I ended up using a flat rate box. I got dressed and went to the post office to mail it, but they weren't open yet.

I watered the outdoor plants, then I went back to the post office. I mailed her package and picked up so many parcels that the postmaster helped me carry them to my car. Then I went to check on one of the apartments. I found some things to scrub, some of which got better and some didn't. I went to the 'hotel' to meet Jamie. We cleaned together and finished early. We talked about dividing up the money for the last two houses. She promised to come by later. I went to the commissary to get avocado dip. When I got home, Chris was there. I asked him to cut up the jicama. After eating breakfast, I ate jicama sticks with avocado dip.

I read e-mail for a bit, then went outside to mow the back yard. Still no Jamie. Michelle texted about walking. So I headed her way, stopping at Housing to make appointments for having the apartments inspected. She and I walked around the track of the gym for half an hour or so, then I had to go open the swap shop for someone who wanted some figurines for a work project.

When I got home, I ate some fruit. Then I went outside to mow on the side of the house. Jamie's son came by to drop off the money she had from Venmo. I quit mowing before 6. I ate a pickled pig's foot. Mary called and I talked to her until time for band practice.

I took my trombone and some of the patriotic music I bought. I set up in the chapel and waited. I called Chris to see of anyone responded to the posts that I made announcing it this afternoon. Nope. Then I got a text from Dylan's mom saying he wasn't interested in band anymore. Michelle came over and we walked around the block. She was back on her emotional rollercoaster.

It was after 8 when I got home. Chris texted me an promo that the colonel texted him. I downloaded it from my phone and posted it to the Facebook pages. Then I worked on my blog. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Andromeda. Later he went to bed, but I stayed up to read e-mail.

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