Sunday, September 10, 2023

MMMM, pickled pigs feet


I got up around 8. I made a list of stuff I planned to to today. I watered the outdoor plants and trimmed the tomatoes. I looked for videos on pruning tomatoes, then all of a sudden it was 9. I went to the company house to start the laundry. Only one bed was stripped so I got the sheets in the washer.

When I got home, I looked at Myst III hints and read e-mail until 10:30. I went back to the company house to put the towels and bath mats in the washer. I asked Chris for a massage. Afterward, we both took showers and got dressed. I laid out in the sun for a few minutes. Then I went to the company house to put the towels and bathmats in the dryer and make the bed.

I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail. I texted people. I went back to the company house to clean the kitchen and bathrooms and sweep the floors. That took an hour. I went home and Chris gave me keys that Michelle dropped off. So I went to those apartments to make a list of what still needed to be done.

When I got back, it was overcast. Chris was folding laundry. I took out the side seams in my shorts and auditioned fabric strips to make them more comfortable. I hate to say how wide the strips needed to be.

Then Jenni texted to say she was going to the pool. So I quit and put on my bathing suit. I met her at the pool. It was warm enough so we went in and did water aerobics, then just swam around and talked. Then the Harwells came. The dad and kids jumped in and played around. The dad said he could make a flyer image for the interfaith service next week.

When my hour was up, I got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I sat and talked with Shannon. Jenni came over, too. When the pool closed, she and I went inside to the sauna, but it wasn't hot because someone had turned it off. Odd, because no one was there.

I went home and changed clothes. I ate one of the pickled pigs feet. It was so good! Then I sat down to write my blog. Afterward, I made tea and we watched one episode of Andromeda. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up till 11. He was still reading in bed when I came in to do my bedtime stretches. Then I hit the lights and we went to sleep.

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