Wednesday, October 11, 2023

A busy day of little things


I got up around 8. I brushed and swished and got ready for the day. I put on some podcast and washed the dishes sitting around the kitchen. Then, after watering the plants, I went after the gophers. They had been busy while we were gone. I knocked down mounds and watered the tunnels I could find. I dug up some small potatoes.

I put on a bathing suit and laid in the sun for awhile. Then I got dressed and made breakfast. I ate while reading e-mail. Chris came home for lunch and went back to work. I dug up some mulberry seedlings and put them in a cup. Michelle texted asking me to take a broken chair to the CSM's office.

I went to Saronna's house to play and gave her the seedlings. We talked for awhile, and played one piece several times. I gave her a band flyer to post at the school. She gave me two jars of pear juice.

As I headed out, Jenni called to say she was bagging at the commissary and had the chapel key for me. So I drove over there to get the key. I brought in a band flyer and the manager agreed to post it on the door. Then I went home to get more flyers and some jars.

I texted Michelle back and she said the chair was at her house. So I went over to give Saronna the jars and then to Michelle's house. Her daughter gave me the chair. She offered to come along, so her dog jumped in my back seat and we went to HQ. She carried the chair in and we tiptoed down the hall to the CSM's office. He was expecting the chair and put it in his closet for signing later. Chris walked by and

gave me a kiss. Then she and I and the dog walked out.

I took her home, then went to put a band flyer up at the post office and one at the chapel. I headed home. I read e-mail, trying to catch up. Chris came home from work and put fish in the oven. I ate a pomegranate. The arils were small but tasty. I saved some of the seeds. I also ate some tomatoes that had ripened on the kitchen window sill.

I looked up gluten-free angel food cake recipes and how to pickle potatoes. I worked on my blog, I made tea and we watched 4 episodes of Dick Van Dyke. Chris went to bed and I stayed up way too late reading something called The Great Taking.

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