Thursday, October 19, 2023

The cake that didn't make it


I got up before 8. I prepared for coffee morning. I vacuumed in the den. I did my special exercises. Then I read for half an hour with the HappyLight because it was too chilly to be out.

I did 3 rounds of tapping and meditation. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and started on the kitchen. At noon I put on my bathing suit and laid out in the sun for awhile. Then I finished the kitchen and watered all the plants. I leveled a few gopher mounds.

I took a shower. I read some e-mail, then went to the gym for my weekly workout. I played a little racquetball too. When I got back, I picked some onion greens and mint. I removed the stems and set the mint leaves out to dry. I cut up the onion greens and put them in a pickling solution.

I pulled up the recipe for the angel food cake. I took out my dozen of eggs, only to find that three had been taken out. I had two more in another box, but was still one short. I also couldn't find the cream cheese. So I called Chris and he didn't know where it was. I opened a coconut and drank the juice, then went to the commissary and got eggs, cream cheese, toilet paper and mason jars.

When I got home, I separated the eggs and let them sit. I put out butter and cream cheese to warm up. I ground up the sugar and sifted it with a sieve (since I couldn't find my sifter). I washed the angel food pan and started the recipe. The eggs beat just fine. I folded in the sugar and gluten-free flour. I poured the batter into the pan and put it in the oven.

I made a batch of cream cheese frosting, complete with sugar. Then I realized I meant to make the sugarless one. So I called Saronna to see if she needed some frosting.

When the angel food cake was done, I took it out and flipped it over to cool. But the bottom came away and the cake slid down the sides. But it wasn't touching the counter so I left it there.

I separated some eggs for the panko cake. I made the yolk panko mixture. But the egg whites wouldn't whip. So I folded them in just as they were – a little frothy. Then I put it in the oven. Saronna came over for the frosting and I gave her some dried mint as well. I worked on my blog while I waited for the panko cake to bake.

When the timer rang, I gave it another 10 minutes. Then I turned the oven off and we watched two episodes of Psych. I pulled one of the loaf pans out and picked a piece off the side. I handed it to Chris and he tasted it. He didn't like it. I tried a piece too and thought it was odd, but ok. Later I heard what sounded like a dry heave. So I took some charcoal just in case. He went to bed, but I stayed up later as usual.

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