Thursday, October 12, 2023

Trying to choose a frosting


I got up before 8, having used the mp3 headphones. I got ready for coffee morning. I used the last bit of coffee and opened a new bag. Even it had the little light fragments. Could they actually be coffee?

I meditated and tapped. Then I started cleaning bathroom counters and toilets. I cleaned the kitchen counter tops. Chris came home for lunch. I vacuumed in the den, behind boxes and on sills and shelves. The spiders were not happy. I vacuumed the kitchen too, then got caught up in e-mail somehow. It probably started with an internet search.

I vacuumed the bedroom, bathrooms, and hallway. I took a shower and got dressed. I watered the indoor plants. I went to the gym and did my usual workout. Then I played racquetball for a few minutes. My back wasn't too happy after the workout, so I quit early and went home.

I watered the outdoor plants and some gopher holes. I emptied the dust cup of the vacuum. I looked up angelfood cake recipes, then frosting recipes, then coconut frosting recipes. But lots of frostings don't hold up well over time out of the fridge. So I looked up tallow frosting recipes and found a keto cake made of ground pork rinds. Huh.

I started bread dough. Chris came home from work and made rice. I formed the dough into flattened rolls and let them rise. I continued my search for recipes, then popped them in the oven to bake. I worked on my blog.

When the rolls were done, I took them out. I heated tea and we watched four episodes of Dick Van Dyke. Then he went to bed and I stayed up a little later, reading more of the same document as last night.

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