Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Plans for a yoga/sewing class


I got up before 8:30. It was a cool and rainy day. I brushed and got dressed. I looked at e-mail. I took methylene blue and drank a bottle of hydrogen water. I continued online. I used the Kaatsu bands. I made breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. I ate while reading e-mail.

Just after he left for work, I took my mat and went to yoga at the post office. Turns out I was the only one there. So I asked if we could do the relax and renew yoga. The poses were all supported by blocks and pillows. Afterward, she asked if we could have a sewing class for making carrying bands for yoga mats. We talked about it, and about me buying out a class so people can try it for free.

When I got home, I ate fruit. I made a meme and posted it for an ad for band. I listened to Mike Adams. I picked salad greens for supper. Chris came home from work and wanted to go to the library to get something he liked better. So we did. He got a book on CD, a book, and a DVD. Psych, I think.

When we got back, I made the salad and ate it. Then I jotted notes for my blog and got ready for band. I took the music, such as it was, and my trombone and went to the chapel. Saronna was there with three of her kids. I let her play from the trombone book and I played from the score because that's where the melody was. Sophia played her djimbe. The boys played on the floor. We wrapped up a little early because it got dark and the music was too small to see.

When I got home, I put a burger in the toaster oven. I finished up my blog post and heated tea. Then we watched three episodes of Dick Van Dyke. Chris went to bed and I stayed up.

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