Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Where oh where did my music go?


I got up around 8. I took supplements, brushed and got dressed. I listened to more of interviews on 5G. I found a pic of a flute and posted a notice for band practice.

I went to the apartment and cleaned for two hours. Then I came home for breakfast. Chris came home for lunch. After eating, I went to the hatha yoga class for an hour.

When I got home, I read e-mail, and did some tapping. I watered the outdoor plants, then went back to cleaning for 90 minutes. I got a call, so went to another building to give a quote at 5:30.

I came home and ate steak for supper. I listened to This Week with Mary and Polly. It was almost over when I paused it to grab my trombone and go to the chapel for bend. Saronna and her family were already there, unpacking. I gave her the amplifier from Gary. I watched the kids turn on the lights. Then I went up front to assemble my trombone. Keli came and then Karen. So everyone was there and they had their music, but I could not find mine. It wasn't in the cardboard sleeve that I brought. I called Chris to check in two places at home but the music wasn't in any of them. He suggested using the hymnal, so that's what we did. It limited the songs we could play, but it was enough for a practice session. Sadly the songs that were in both the hymnal and the little Christmas book, were not in the same key. When my lip gave out, we packed up to go home. Randy told me what I needed for my sprinkler system on his way out. Keli said she had a recliner to bring to the swap shop or give to the dump. I offered to open the swap shop at any time her husband could bring it.

So we each went home. I looked for my music at home but didn't find it anywhere. I worked on my blog, then made tea. We watched two episodes of Psych, still looking for the pineapple. One of them had one featured prominently. I had to look up the other one. Chris went to bed before 10:30 and I went to bed just before 11.

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