Monday, October 16, 2023

The pumpkin wagon is a-comin down the street


I got up after 8. Chris was already up. I brushed my teeth and rinsed my nasal passages. I checked the fruit in the crock pot. There was still too much liquid. I checked messages for awhile. I watched a few minutes of a video interviewing a young man named Titus who has his own farm, probably somewhere in the Appalachians. No electricity. Lives a kind of Amish lifestyle out in the country. He is looking for a wife. He shoes horses to make enough money for a landline phone (which he shares with a neighbor.) He does everything barefoot, at least in the summer.

I paused it to mix up a batch of seed crackers and pop them in the oven. While they baked, I replenished all the mixes that go into it so I am ready for the next three batches. I started another jar of sunflower sprouts. I searched my pantry for chia and didn't find any so I jotted that down. I used the Kaatsu device on my arms.

I took the seed crackers out of the oven. I made breakfast and ate it outside, sitting in the sun. Then I came in and put seed crackers in a container. I washed up and got dressed for church. I took the crackers and my trombone to the chapel. I went inside and laid the snack on the table. I went up front to assemble my trombone. Then I went in the back to ask Moira if she would open the snack after the service so people could take some on their way out.

The service began with piped music and singing. We didn't know the song but caught on after a verse and a chorus. Then the pastor gave his sermon about finding the good in everything. Afterward, Saronna, Sophia and I played two hymns and people sang. Then Moira opened the snack. I talked to several people. The chaplain's wife offered to show me how to use eyebrow pencils. Jenni's husband asked about Chris' campaign.

I took my trombone out to my car. I texted Jamie that I would be home soon. When I got home, I watched a little more of the video. Jamie texted that she was coming over, so I quickly changed into regular clothing. Then I went out front as she and her guys drove up with the pumpkin wagon. My, what an assortment! I chose a tall one for the porch, and a wavy one for under the hanging gopher. We chatted a bit and the neighbors came over to pick out pumpkins. Then they left and I went back inside.

I continued to work online. Keli posted about needing a computer desk so I went and opened the swap shop. But when I got back, she had posted that she found one. I heated a bowl of soup as family members got online for the game. Michele and John had gone out to eat for their anniversary so they were late getting online.

Then John asked Chris questions about Chris' campaign (which hasn't started yet). Finally we got around to our family campaign. Picking up the story where we left off in the judge's chambers, we went to meet with the lawyer and then with the accused. We had trouble getting him to talk to us. I tried hypnosis, but it didn't work, probably because he is a golem.

After the game, I noticed Keli had posted needing help with her computer and printer. I asked Chris if we could help. Then I messaged her, and locked the swap shop. When I got back, she had messaged that she already got a desk.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psyche. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to finish a podcast.

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