Thursday, October 26, 2023

Getting ready for the frost


I got up around 8. I took supplements, then brushed and swished. I watered the indoor plants. I made coffee and did the special exercises. I read for half an hour with the HappyLight. I tapped and meditated for over an hour. Then I cleaned the bathrooms.

I laid out in the sun, possibly for the last time this year. I accidentally kicked over the old coffee pot and it broke. Chris came home for lunch. Jamie came over with my vacuum and the key. I paid her $30 for her time spent cleaning. I washed a mountain of dishes and cleaned the kitchen counter tops. I swept the tile floors and mopped them quickly.

Then I took a shower, ready to work out with Michelle. But she texted to say she wasn't feeling well. I considered going by myself, but I was anticipating a frost. So I watered all the outdoor plants. I picked all the tomatoes except for the very smallest ones. I collected the leaves from a pile of mint that I picked yesterday.

Gary had left a message wanting to talk to me about Winterfest. So I went over to his office. He wasn't in but I found him and we went back to his office. We talked about the band playing for the event and where to put us. We touched on other subjects as well.

An hour later, I walked back to my car. I stopped by the chapel to check for the sheet music but it wasn't there. I went home for my jacket, then to the garden. I pulled up a bunch of onions, garlic, red beets and radishes. But they were all tiny. Hardly worth eating. I went to CSM's garden and found a few green tomatoes, plus swiss chard. Only it wasn't swiss chard after all. Tucked in among the leaves were small heads of cauliflower!

I walked past another garden that was full of tomatoes on sprawling stems. I made note of the number and went home to check it out. I e-mailed the owner and asked if she was done with her garden. She replied that I could pick whatever I wanted. So I went back with bags and picked one of green tomatoes and one of red. The reds were kind of soft and many were rotten. I called Mickie to see if she wanted some but she didn't answer. So I called Saronna. Randy answered and agreed to take them.

I drove to their house and brought in the reds. Most needed to be eaten right away. She said she could make salsa. I kept a couple for Mickie. The girls were making pomegranate apple sauce. Isadora came over to help. I talked to Saronna about setting up at Winterfest and to Isadora about helping with a craft on the same night.

When I got home, Chris was home. I brought in most of the vegetables. I helped Chris bring in the tower garden. I am not looking forward to walking around it till spring, but stuff is still growing! I dug up potatoes in the flowerbed by the diningroom window. The level of the bed sunk when I dug into the large gopher tunnel underneath. After pulling out the little potatoes, I planted some of the onions, garlic, etc from the community garden plot. I may be able to build a cold frame over them.

I came in and washed my hands. I left the potatoes outside to dry out a little. I put a wet paper towel in the bag with the remaining little plants. I sat down to check for messages and write up my blog post. I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psych. Chris went to bed and I stayed up later than I intended.

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