Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Home again


We got up after 8:30. I brushed and swished, washed up and got dressed. I made breakfast and had some fruit from the fridge. While Chris showered, I packed my suitcase and food box. Then I read e-mail while he packed his stuff and the food from the fridge. Finally, we packed our laptops and got on the road.

It seemed like a long trip back. We ran into road work that had not been there on Thursday. Thankfully, we had an extra book on CD so we had something to listen to while we waited. We got back to base before 3. We were stopped for a random check at the front gate. Then we stopped at the post office for mail. We went home and unloaded our luggage. We put everything away, and started a load of laundry.

Then we went to the commissary for a few things. We brought them home and put them away. I wiped off my laptop table and unpacked my laptop and set it up. I posted to the community Facebook page that we would not have band tonight. I called Jenni to get my key back but she didn't answer.

I texted with Michelle. She said to call her husband and go over to get the water container. So I called, then collected a bag of greens from my tower garden. I took them over and he gave me the water. We chatted a little until the UPS man came. So I left, and drove home past Jenni's house. She was not home.

When I got home, I heated the last two burgers in the toaster oven. After eating that, I picked a small salad. I listened to a podcast on thyroid health, then worked on my blog. I made tea and we folded the laundry. Then we watched 4 episodes of Dick Van Dyke. Chris went to bed and read a book. I stayed up till almost 11, then started my bedtime ritual.

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