Thursday, September 3, 2009


I tried to Skype Chris several times this morning with no luck. I hadn't much time to talk anyway since I had to be at the DHL to set up for the expo at 8am. It didn't start until 10, but I wanted to be there as early as possible to have time to remember things and go back home to get them. As it turned out, I didn't do that. Although half way through the expo I saw other tables handing out pens, candy, etc and thought to myself, "We could be handing out charm squares". Anyway, we got a lot of positive comments on our setup. Most people said they didn't know how to sew, but we got them to sign up in order to learn. MaryAnn was in charge of hospitality. Her table was handing out Korean candy. Hard candy and chocolate. There were four kinds and I got one of each: red pepper chocolate, cactus chocolate, seaweed chocolate and green tea chocolate. I didn't eat them then because I didn't want to have offensive breath. During the expo, we were binding a QOV as an example of what we do. Passersby seemed more interested in the longarm quilting. I told them that it was done on the longarm at the Arts and Crafts Center. That should spark something interesting.
After the expo, we pasked it all up and headed out. I went over to Cathy's house to see her latest project and get the binding for the next QOV. Then I went to my students house. I had planned to finish last weeks project, but the mother wanted to make a baby quilt to be given next Wednesday. So we did a miniature version of the quilt in order to show her how. The kids did really well. But it took a lot longer than I planned. Thankfully she paid me double. That was gratefully accepted. Then I drove home. Michele wasn't home yet so I got on my computer. When she got home, I made fish sticks. I ate mine with salsa, she ate hers with vinegar. I had kimchi, she had none. Later we shared an Asian pear.

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