Thursday, September 10, 2009

Marking them down

I had packed Chris' lunch last night so I could sleep in. But Michele got up early to go to class and I wanted to take her picture with her new vest. But then, after looking at e-mail and having breakfast, I laid down and fell asleep. I awoke to hear the phone ringing. As I talked to MaryAnn I remembered that I had promised someone I would be at the thrift shop by 11. And it was way after 10. So I got dressed, walked to post and caught the 11am bus, talking on the phone all the way. I was 15 minutes late, but no one seemed to notice. We had lots more videos and DVD's donated. So I took over half of what was on the shelf and marked them down to $2 and put them in bins to be sold on Saturday. I pulled out a bunch of video cassettes too, and marked them for sale. I didn't lower the price because at 6 for $1, it is not the price that is holding them back. I got a few books shelved, too, but there is so much more. I worked until 3, then walked back to the apt. I worked on e-mail and reading an e-book until supper. After supper I took a break to wash some dishes and sew a border on a QOV. I watched a tape I got at the thrift shop handlabeled STarTrek. It was not, which is why we don't sell homemade VHS tapes. But it did have an episode of HOUSE, which I enjoyed.

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