Saturday, September 19, 2009

Chris got up early to play an RPG with Michele over the internet. That means they were talking to the 'voices' again. Even I could hear the voices this time. What is this - mass hallucination? Anyway, I got on the internet for awhile, 'chatted' with my brother in Va. (Happy Birthday, Kurt), and then went into my sewing room to sew. But it was in such a state that I had to reorganize it before I could find a place to work. Then, instead of working on something for me, I worked on a QOV. One day, I WILL do something for myself. Of course, I have been saying that for years. Chris made cabbage soup. It smelled so good bubbling away on the stove. Even though all the bowls were in the dishwasher getting washed, I had to have some. So I got out my large teacup. I had two teacups full and I would have kept going but I made myself stop because I know I'll keep eating it until I get sick. It's that good. In fact we had it for lunch and supper. There isn't much left out of a stew pot full. Finally I had had it with the QOV, I cut one block 1/4 of an inch too small, and I don't have enough left to make another block without piecing it. Bummer. So I got back on my computer. Chris and Michele eventually finished their RPG and watched a movie, Narnia. I watched a home recorded episode of Voyager while sewing. Chris went to bed early and then Michele, and only I am left to tell the tale.

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