Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Thrift shop

Not raining today, so I walked to the thrift shop after checking my e-mail. I was greeted by the usual pile of books, videos, Dvd's and Cd's. AAAAARRGGG! So I shelved a few books and threw out a bunch of childrens books that had been written in. We also got a huge pile of videos that were home-recorded. So they got tossed, too. I processed and put out a shelf full of newer Dvd's, but I had to move the records to make room. I don't think we have sold one in all the time I have been there, so I put them on the top of a bookcase in the back corner. I wanted to put out some CD's, but there isn't any space. If and when Ella becomes manager, she said I can mark them down to $1. Then they will sell and I will have all kinds of room to put out more.
For lunch I had seaweed and got teased about it again. Hey, I lost 15 pounds, do I care if they are jealous? No. Someone brought in some batting so I bought that and a video tape on Julia sets. I worked until 3, then walked home and took the stairs instead of the elevator. I got on my computer until I heard Michele, then Chris come home. Then I went to my sewing room and finished two baby quilt tops while watching old Enterprise episodes. Chris made brauts and sauerkraut for supper. MMMM. Then I did some more sewing and went back to the computer to clean out old e-mails. I got 1500 down to 900, but am only up to June 8th.

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