Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thursday - thrift shop

Got up to make Chris' sandwich, then went back to bed, but couldn't sleep, so I got back up. I worked on e-mail for awhile, and tried to figure out how to use the ArmyOneSource website to log volunteer hours. I wouldn't call it user friendly. When I finally got some hours logged, I tried to summarize it in an e-mail to our membership. No comments on it yet.
Then I walked to the thrift shop. As usual, a bunch of books, tapes, DVd's and Cd's to put out, but not enough room. So I filled a bin with CD's and marked them down to $1. I put out some new ones. I also put out some DVD's and books. A grunch load of video cassettes came in, so I filled every available space and threw out some that haven't sold in as long as I can remember. Then Nancy stopped by and we sat outside and ate our lunch, with three other people. I went back to work, but others in charge congregated in front of the bathroom stall to hold some meeting. Normally I wouldn't care, but I had to GO! Finally that broke up and I found some relief. While shelving I found three books that I hadn't read, so I bought them before I left. I walked to my sewing lesson, but it was hot and exhausting, so next time I will let her come get me. I brought her 5 yards of the batting I bought yesterday (we decided to split a roll). We designed a 4-color quilt made of squares. One fabric had to be fussy-cut to display a dragon. We just had enough to make the design work. She wants to make a wedding gift of it. She drove me back to my gate and I walked home, taking the stairs. More e-mail. Then Chris came home and we had leftovers. We started watching a Netflix movie called Gamers. Michele came home and watched the rest with us. It was funny, especially if you know what rpg gamers are really like.

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