Monday, September 28, 2009

Lots of walking today

I awoke at 6:55. Chris was still asleep. We didn't hear the alarm go off. While he showered, I packed his lunch and put fixings in the bread machine. I had breakfast and a shower myself, then got a package ready to mail. I walked to the gate to meet Annette for a ride but she wasn't there. So I walked and started calling around to find someone who knew her number. Finally I got Debi, who came and picked me up. When we got to the SPC, Annette was already there. She'd gone to a different gate. But we had a good board meeting, came up with some good ideas, made suggestions, etc. Then as 9:30 came and went, others came in and started setting up the room. Soon all the machines were up and running. We had another great turn out. We made at least 7 baby quilts and worked on three QOV, I think. Lunch was a small crowd because so many had to leave early. We worked some more, then packed up. Pam drove me to the Px, where I picked up some Vitamin D3. It is supposed to signal the body to release fat. Worth a try. Then we went to the post office where we each mailed a package. Then we drove to Chris' car and dropped off some of my stuff and a sewing machine that I will attempt to fix. Then she left me at the ACS building. I was able to talk them out of two ironing boards and a sewing machine. Yea! But it meant that I had to hand-carry them to the SPC. Not so 'yea'. I called around for someone with a car to come help, but no one was answering their phone. Oh well, I needed the exercise, right? So I walked home. Michele was back from college, on her computer. So I spent some time on my computer, then Chris came home. I met him downstairs to carry my stuff up from the car. I took the stairs, just for good measure. Chris made burritos for supper. I spent some time reading, then finishing the borders on the my quilt top. Finally I just had to listen to some Andy Gibb music on youtube. Now its time to go to bed.

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