Saturday, April 17, 2010

All day at the machine

Once again, I began the day thinking I would spend it at home. Chris and Michele were playing with the 'voices' when I got a call from Cathy. She wanted me to help her with a quilt on the longarm. So I drove over there, taking Ralu's quilt top with me. Well, it took all day to do Cathy's quilt (actually someone else made it) because it was so wonky. That means it wasn't flat and the seams weren't straight. We did the best we could. So it was after 5 when we finally took hers off and put Ralu's on. We got the top border and one row sewn then called it quits. We were exhausted and hungry. I did take a short break during the day to see if the Chosun had gotten in the Thai silk. Nope. But the thrift shop next door was having a $2 sale, or $5 for a grocery sack full. So I picked up some tops and a dress for Michele.
I was home around 7, and raided the fridge. I listened to a few interviews, and cleared out some e-mail. I learned that stability ball exercises are some of the best ones to do. Then I came to an e-mail from JoAnns saying they have 50% off some sewing stuff. Well, time to put in another order. Took hours but I put one together, stuff for me and stuff I think others in the group will want. I hope it comes in less than 2 months this time.
**This is me at the quilting machine, trying to look busy even though it is computerized **

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