Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New subject: orgonomy

I didn't get up with Chris this morning because he was up at 4am. I think it was after 7 when I got up. I went through my typical morning routine. Then I called Chris for a ride to the thrift shop, which he gave me. It was 55 degree outside and a little windy. I spent about 3.5 hours there, shelving a great many children's books, videos and DVD's. I don't know why there is suddenly such an influx of books and videos. When we left, it was cold and rainy. My calendar says it is almost May. What's with the weather here? MAryAnn gave me a ride to my gate. I was glad to get home and warm up. I wasn't dressed for the change in weather. I did clear out some e-mail, but got sidetracked on the subject of orgonomy. Except for the time sitting around the supper table, research took up the rest of the day. Orgone is the basic energy of the universe and there are 'devices' built on the research of Wilhelm Reich that collect and transmit it to where you need it. If used properly, these devices promote healing. Well, you know I just have to try it, and there are instructions on the internet on how to make your own: metal shavings, quartz, resin. Also, you can make some kind of blanket out of wool batting and steel wool. I may have to try that too.
**Here is a pic of my fabric closet that a friend asked for**

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