Thursday, April 8, 2010

Locked out

My usual morning activites lasted until about 10. I had a little more energy than yesterday so I think the sunlight and warmer weather are helping. I walked to the thrift shop. The banner was down, but I think they will put it back up on Saturday. It only took me an hour and 15 minutes to shelve the books in the tub. I did see something new. It was like a little tape player on a necklace. There were three of them and each had the title of a book, and had a headphone jack on the side. Totally new to me. Around noon, I walked home. It was a beautiful day and I didn't need to wear my coat. There was the usual e-mail waiting for me when I got home. I listened to some of the audios while ripping off the border to my dahlia quilt. It doesn't lay flat, so I am going to add an inch at the narrowest point, resew, and see what that does. When Chris came home, I gathered up the rulers that came from Joanns, and the baby quilt top for class. I drove to the SPC, only to find that someone had locked the storage closet. No one EVER locks the door, but it was locked. I went to the office to get a key. The Katusa brought a whole handful of keys, but none of them worked. I asked if he could call someone. He did, and then said there wasn't a key for the closet. Say what?! All of our stuff is in there! We borrowed two paperclips, but were unable to get in touch with our inner lockpick. One of the other ladies asked him to call DPW, explaining that there was always someone on call. So a guy got sent out to drill out the handle and replace it with a new one. Well, by then class time was half over and the ladies were content to sit and talk. So we did. Several had brought their own machines and their own projects. They were the only productive ones. I sold a few rulers and put the ones designated for the group in the storage closet. We put up the tables and went home. I cleared out some more e-mail and watched some testimonial videos for a wand that heals pain when you wave it over the spot for several minutes. They claim it has zero-point energy fused into it.

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