Monday, April 5, 2010

A few good ideas

I took the remaining avocado mixture from the fridge and slathered it on my head. This time I had the full 30 minutes, and then showered as usual. (I hope I don't have to explain to some Korean plumber why the drain is full of avocado chunks.) I gathered everything thing I thought I needed for the day, and headed out. I met Pam at the gate, and we drove to Annette's house for show-and-tell and the secret sister exchange. Cathy J did a demo on cutting up a floral stripe into triangles to make a tablerunner. It was very cool. She and Annette also made some quilts together (see pic). We had planned to catch the subway to the Mad for Garlic restaurant, but so few people were going that the few of us left decided to walk into Itaewon to an Indian restaurant. The food was very spicy and the waiter didn't speak enough English for us to get what we wanted, so we probably won't go back. I enjoyed my lunch though. We walked back, and Pam took me by the post office to mail my mother a gift. Then she dropped me off at my gate. I spent the rest of the afternoon checking e-mail and listening to interviews (and a little cleaning). Then I retired to my sewing room to work on the thrift shop banner. I got all the letters sewn on and the rod pockets made.

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