Thursday, April 15, 2010

At the thrift shop they were having a going-away party for Anna, our retail manager. I packed a container of Three Bean Salad and some homemade healthy fudge. It was a nice day so I just walked over there. I was a little early and there were very few books to shelve, but LOTS of videos. So I worked on finding places to put the movies. People trickled in over the next hour and finally we had enough to start the party. A few words were said and then we ate. It was all good. There were lots of desserts but I stuck to my fudge. I got lots of compliments and one asked for the recipe. MaryAnn shared about how the AFSC is having a DErby hat contest in May. Hmm, reminds me of the hat contest in the Grange when I was young. I am sure I can come up with something.
Before 2, I left there and went to the ACS building. I still didn't get to see the director, but the other lady was very nice to me. She offered to show off our flyer to two new groups that she is visiting tomorrow. Normally she just promotes ACS groups, so this is a big deal. She also said that she and her daughter will be coming to my class tonight. I left her with a pile of my business cards to hand out to those who were interested from reading the flyer. Then I walked home. On the way I ran into YR whom I hadn't seen since last year. She wants to start coming again. After arriving back home, I cleared some e-mail and laid down for a nap. Then I got up to get ready for class. I cleared some more e-mail and selected some fabrics to bring for anyone who didn't have anything to work on. Chris left his car inside the gate so I took it to the SPC. That's when I realized that I had left the closet keys at home. And there was no one in the church office. Well, I decided to focus first on finding tables - always a task. There was a stack in the cabinet area, and we had a heck of a time rolling them out. By then a new lady had come. What an introduction she got! Finally someone did show up in the office (they have an extra set of keys) and I was able to get into our cabinets. In the end, not a lot of ladies showed up, but several were new to class and new to sewing and I was able to to give them the personal attention they needed to get a good start. Then we packed up and went home. I listened to another two interviews (from my e-mail) and then it was time to go to bed. *pic tomorrow*

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