Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A walk in the park

I finished the thrift shop banner, then asked Chris to drive me to the store. Ella, the manager, was quite pleased with it. I spent almost 2 hours shelving books and DVDs. Although they told me there were more books outside in the bin, I signed out at noon to meet Julia at the subway station. Along the way I stopped at the Shoppette for natural peanutbutter for my next batch of fudge (which I will take to the quilt meeting). I met Julia coming out of Ichon station and we walked past the National Museum of Korea to Yongsan Family Park. The flowers were just getting started. We walked all around and even tried out the exercise machines. Lots of Korean kids were there, playing around after seeing the museum. Then we walked back to post and I signed her on. I showed her the gym, the cinema, the thrift shop, the post office, the ACS building and the Dragon Hill. Then she went home and I took the bus to my gate. I spent some time on e-mail and Youtube. Chris had pork in the crock pot, and we ate it for supper. Being tired from all the walking, I had to lay down for awhile to get up the energy to write this post.

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