Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New life

I used up the last of the bread making Chris's sandwich so I left the bread maker lid open to remind me to make more, and I went back to bed. I wasn't in bed long when some thought got me up and going. Too bad, because I didn't sleep well last night. Anyway, I didn't have to go anywhere, so I worked on e-mail and put my sewing room in some semblance of order. I added a 6 ft plank above my sewing table to take up some of the clutter that always seems to be in my way. I also checked on my tomato seeds and was very pleased to see that they are up already. Sadly most of them will not make it because I only have one pot to plant in. Right now it has a pointsettia that is on its way out. I miss having a garden to plant in. Sigh. I wonder if tomato sprouts are edible?
I spent the afternoon making a baby quilt top from extra squares for class tomorrow night. Oh yes, and I did remember to make another loaf of bread. I finished reading the Silva pdf thinking it would contain a word-for-word script so I could record it in my own voice, but it didn't. So I spent the evening transcribing several mp3 sessions. I am doing this to increase my brainpower and problem-solving ability.

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