Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wish I was there

I slept in a little today because Chris did not ask for a sandwich. I may have done a little sewing, I was on the internet for awhile. Then I got an e-mail from Chris saying that I should meet him at the gate because one of his coworkers wanted to take us to Youido to see the cherry blossoms. He took me to his office where she had bought kimbap for the three of us before our trip. It was the best kimbap we have had. There was more filling than rice, which is unusual. Then she took us on a ride through Youido to see streets lined with cherry trees and forcythia. I took a few pics. It is a nice place to take a walk right now. Then we came back and spent some time talking to the office people. Chris drove me back to the gate, and I spent some quality time with my e-mail, and then retired to my sewing room to work on another charm panel. I finished one and was well on my way to finishing another when I got tired of it and quit. After another look at e-mail, I decided to follow Chris to bed.

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