Friday, July 30, 2010

Cold water = no swimming

I went to the beach to walk in the water. The temperature was fine, but the jellyfish were back. I must have encountered some errant stingers because my ankles felt like they'd been bitten by mosquitoes. I came in then, and swam in the pool for awhile with Becca and Olivia. We felt a few raindrops but didn't let that stop us. After that, Olivia wanted to fly a kite. So we got the black one from the hall closet. It needed a tail for the heavy wind, so we tied a yellow plastic bag to the spine with a blue shoelace. She and I flew it at the water's edge until Chris called time for appetizers. Becca had prepared shrimp, cheeses, and artichoke spinach dip. So yummy. Chris grilled hamburgers for supper, and we had a spinach salad. For dessert we had homemade ice cream. After supper the adults played Taboo. They had a great time. I read my book until reading put me to sleep.
I woke around 7 and went to the beach to take a walk. I had missed the sunrise. The water was really cold, but I could not see jellyfish. However that could have been due to the angle of the sun, so I did not attempt to swim. The kids were up when I came in, so I drank some kefir and got on Chris' computer, watching them 'till some other adult woke up. Cecily got up next and we unloaded the dishwasher. We all ate breakfast, each on his own. Cecily and Michele went to the beach, but Michele didn't stay long. Even Cecily came in early because it was cold and windy. She then sat out on the deck. When I finished listening to a presentation on the health benefits of grounding (the easiest way is to just go barefoot on the ground), I went out to sit in the sand. It was hot. I covered myself with a sarong so I wouldn't get burnt. James, Michele, and the kids went to Put-putt. I came in an hour later for lunch. When I had finished, the others returned. Michele vowed never to have chlldren. They must have had a good time. Ha! Cecily vacuumed after lunch while most of the others played Order of the Stick. Chris and Alfred went to the market for rotisserie chicken and more ice cream fixings. I took over Chris' computer to blog. We have to make decisions about my uncle's funeral. I am really not good at funerals. Perhaps we shall just attend the internment on Monday.

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