Saturday, July 3, 2010

The OTHER fabric market

Saturday. I got up at 7:30 to take my pre-breakfast supplements. Ideally I would wait for 2 hours to eat, but I was meeting Mary at 9 so I only waited half an hour. I ate breakfast in front of the computer. At 8:45 I left the apartment to drive to gate 19. I met Mary there and we took the subway to Dongaemun. We walked towards the OTHER fabric market, stopping along the way at a beaded trim shop. Mary spent several hundred dollars there. It's the shiny stuff I wish I had had when Michele was small to put on her dresses. Finally we resumed our walk. The other markets is a bunch of alleyways and we had trouble finding an entrance that didn't offend her sense of smell (the food vendors). We saw lots of fabrics but she was too tired to look much. We bought some hair ornaments at one place and I got a few cuts of large prints here and there. Then we took a cab back to the base. From there we drove to the food court and sat to talk. After three, I headed home. I was only going to be on the computer a little while, but it lasted most of the rest of the day. Romaric came over for supper and gaming. He seemed interested in my sprout bag because he grows sprouts too. So I made him one out of muslin. I was productive on the computer also, producing and sending out announcements for our upcoming quilt sampler class. I was going to go sew afterwards but got sucked into Facebook after making the FAcebook version of the announcement. Sigh.

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