Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Day Off

I slept in after making Chris' sandwich, taking my pre-breakfast supplements, and washing my sprouts. Then I had a dream about being in charge of a band class. I couldn't figure out if I was the new teacher, or a substitute. It was after nine when I got up. I had breakfast at the computer waiting for Faye to call. I got a few phone calls during that time, and Keith skyped me, but no Faye. After lunch I took a break to sew, but got caught in cleaning. I washed the rugs that were shown off yesterday. They look much better now. And I did a lot of vacuuming and swiffering. Oh, the dust! Chris came home and made supper - chicken, broccoli and rice. After supper I checked my AKO webmail account. I think I have had it for 18 months and never checked the mail. Actually I did not know that webmail was part of my AKO account which I set up when I needed to interface with the library on post. To get in, I had to pick 15 of 20 security questions, more than 5 of which I have no opinion or clear answer to. And the security certificate was invalid so my browser kept telling me not to go there. Yes, the gov't site has an invalid certificate! There was only one person who sent an e-mail that warranted a response, and I sent it to her through Yahoo. I gave feedback, but the site would not take it without registering me with a new account. Huh? I don't think they really want feedback when they make it so difficult to give. Unlike people who work for the gov't, I don't have to use AKO webmail, and I won't, so long as it is so user-unfriendly.
With that decided, I finally did go into my sewing room to clean up for tomorrow. I sewed borders on the charm square wallhanging. I also cut another picture out of the Hawaii book and tried to find a border paper for it, but I think I will wait for daylight to make my final selection.
**Here is a quilt Judy showed me yesterday**

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