Sunday, July 11, 2010

Picture this

We went to church, being a little late, but it was a good thing we went. We were 20% of the congregation. The sermon was about the good samaritan. After church we had snacks, and I stayed to talk with Hyon while Chris picked up Michele (who was taking care of a friend's cat). Since he had gone to the commissary yesterday, we did not go today. We went straight home. Michele wanted to stop at the PX for an umbrella, but as luck would have it, the one I bought in Dongdaemun because it was raining (and it stopped 5 min after I bought it), was just like the one she broke. So I guess I bought it for her. I spent a little time on the internet, but most of it in my sewing room. One of my projects was to use some of the fancy paper Faye bought me last year to frame a picture I tore out of a book on Hawaii. Not bad, huh? I washed, dried, and ironed all the fabric I bought the other day. Phew! I also worked on the pink project. I had the TV on and watched several grade B horror type movies. I think it was Donald Sutherland theme day.

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