Monday, July 12, 2010

Pink Project

Monday. I made the sandwich around 6:30, and went back to bed, but did not stay there. I usually go back to bed because I am worried that I will not have enough energy to last the whole day. But I wanted to work a little more on the pink project. Then I had breakfast while skimming e-mail, and sliced some cheese for lunch. I also packed myself an egg and loaded a container with sprouts. Michele came on post with me and I dropped her off near Eagle Grove to check on the cat. When I got to the SPC, Cathy and Judy were already there. We got out a minimum of stuff not knowing how many people would come. Two more showed up, and two people dropped by just for awhile. We worked on QOV. I put borders on one top while Cathy and Carla put borders on the other. I found a backing already pieced so we will quilt those up tomorrow. After quilting, I dropped by the thrift shop to see some fabric MaryAnne had set aside for me. None of it was quilting fabric. A couple of small pieces were all I kept. I took a look at the pile of books waiting for me tomorrow. Nightmare! So I went home. I skimmed e-mail again, and retired to my sewing room. But it was so hot I ended up taking a nap - just too hot to be awake. When Chris came home, we ate supper (leftovers) and they got on their computers. I added a few more pieces to the pink project. It took a long time because I am trying to only use pieces from the original stripe, but I had to add a burgundy to keep the artistic value. I still have a few pieces left, but not sure if there is a way to add them and keep the symmetry.

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