Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Preparing for our trip

Normally I would go to the thrift shop on today (because it is a Tuesday), but I needed to prepare for our trip to the states tomorrow. I had done some packing in the form of a box where I dropped things I wanted to be sure not to forget, like a bathing suit, a book, a DVD, etc. I wanted to make another top like the gray one, so I found some blue stretchy fabric in the closet. When I went to draw around the pattern, it wasn't quite as long as the fabric, so I cut it long. So it made a short dress. It looked ok on me, but then Michele tried it on, and I just couldn't compete. But I had enough fabric left to make another one, so I made it wider hoping that it would look on me like the smaller one looks on Michele. Nope. Anyway, we had fun trying to accessorize our new dresses. I also made some organite out of soap and powdered metal. I did not use the best crystals because I am afraid that airport security might think they are bombs and take them away. The metal sank to the bottom and I had to stir constantly until the soap hardened. They aren't pretty, but hopefully they are effective. Finally I got around to actual packing. I had to choose a suitcase, and clean out the out-of-season clothes it was filled with. I also cleaned out my purse and carry-on. Then it was time to choose. This is always the hard part. I started with a nightgown and underwear. I left choosing the outfits until morning. The other hard part will be choosing which supplements to bring. I don't want to be mistaken for a drug dealer.

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