Friday, July 9, 2010

Puzzles and organic kimchi

Having no particular place to go today, I went back to bed after making his sandwich, but that did not last as long as usual. I got up in an hour, and went into my sewing room to work more on the pink project. Not sure what it will be yet. At nine I got breakfast and sat in front of the computer, clearing or reading e-mail as needed. I saw Kurt was on Skype and called him. I convinced him to post to his blog after more than a year of not posting. He told me he has a bumper crop of raspberries growing in back of his house. I took a break after lunch to finish a jigsaw puzzle and work a number puzzle. Around 3:30 I gathered and sorted recyclables, did a little cleaning and made myself leave the apartment. I drove to gate 17, and walked through the subway to the other side. There is a little street market there, and a friend wrote me a note in Korean to find a place that sells organic kimchi. A man looked at my note and directed me to the very place. I showed the note to the shopkeeper and she filled a bag with kimchi. I thanked her and asked for natto, but she didn't have it. The stall across the hall had tomatoes and I bought a kilo. On the way back I passed a man selling fruit and I bought plums. I got in my car to drive back and decided to park and sit on grass under a tree and read a book. That was my nature break today. Lasted 15 - 20 minutes. I did go home then and put the kimchi in jars. I ate some, too. Chris came home and made fishsticks for supper. He also brought me packages: a soap mold, an organic cotton sheet, and an ionic toothbrush. He and Michele watched a movie. It was originally in Chinese and redubbed in English. The major bad guy's name was chow-chow. It was hard to take him seriously. So I went into my sewing room and worked on a quilt of valor top until blog time.

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