Tuesday, July 27, 2010

First and second days at the beach

After posting yesterday afternoon, I got to stay on the computer because Chris had to start supper. He cooked pork loins on the charcoal grill. I came across an article on the health benefits of kefir. It is a fermented food that is usually made with milk, but you can make it with water or fruit juice if you get the right starter. I really want to try it so have to do some more research and order the starter. After supper we had home-made rum raisin ice cream and strawberry sorbet. They were both good (I had a taste of Chris' portion). We went to the beach one last time as it was getting dark. It was still cold and the surf was rough. I cleared out more e-mail as the others played a card game. When I found myself falling asleep at the computer, I went to bed.
I woke up this morning around 7 but did not get up right away. I was trying to hold on to a dream I was having. When I heard the kids running around, I got up and had breakfast. Then we all went to the beach. It was warmer and the surf was better, but there were jellyfish in it. I stayed a little while to get my share of Vit D, then came in. I sat in a chair out of the sun and read for hours. I came in for lunch. After lunch we all watched the DVD of Michele re-enacting DOUBT in her film class. Then I got on the computer while the kids played with their grandmother. Chris and Alfred went to the store. I would have gone with them, but didn't hear them leave. Finally the kids went back to the beach, but I stayed behihnd because my skin is getting red. I have sunscreen but don't trust the chemicals in it. I think I'll just stay out of the sun for awhile. The pool might be shady right about now...

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