Monday, July 26, 2010

Posting catch-up

We have been having internet problems here so I have to backtrack a little.
Saturday I spent the day clearing out e-mail while Chris and Cecily went grocery shopping, again. I had 2997 e-mails in my in-box and I was able to reduce it to 1504. Phew! I quickly tried to repair my headphones before changing clothes for church. We went to the 5pm mass, and back home. We had 7:30 reservations for Uno's pizza. We met James and Becca and their two kids there, waiting for us. Cecily had to introduce us all to her favorite waitress, and the other waitstaff. After supper we all went back to the house to sit and talk while the kids blew off steam from the 11 hour ride. I fell asleep sitting up and Chris tottled me off to bed.
I decided to post in the morning before we left for the beach, but that computer wasn't cooperating. So we just left. We were on the road by 9:15. We stopped for lunch at a barbecue place. Thankfully I was able to get a grilled chicken salad. Then we were on our way again. Cecily had paid for early check-in, and we were here about 1:40. The cleaning staff was still here, but mostly finished. We unpacked the cars and food, and headed to the beach. The sand was broiling hot. I didn't get very far before I had to run back for footwear. When I got to the ocean, it was freezing! Not what we expected for such a hot summer. I prayed for warmer water for Monday. We came back and got in the pool. Small, but passable, and warm. After stepping on a crab, we searched the whole pool. The pool man dropped by and cleaned out all the sand. He said we'd have crabs drop in the pool everyday. Great! Too bad they are not good for eating. Later we had supper, including breaded chicken, stuffed tortellini, and broccoli. I read some after supper, and we went back out to the beach when the sand cooled off. The water was still freezing. A storm was coming in, so we went in, back to the pool. There was more reading, (no internet for anyone) and eventually we all went to bed.
The kids were up around 7, and soon we were too, because our bedroom was right beside the main living area. We had breakfast and soon headed out for the beach. The sand was cool and the water was slightly warmer than yesterday, but the breakers were rough and we did no more than get our feet wet. Oh yes, and the jellyfish were nearby. After playing at the beach we went to the pool. After the pool, we had lunch. I finished reading my book, and did a few Sudoku puzzles. My eyes hurt after all of that, so I decided to take a walk. Thankfully there is a shopping center within a mile. I walked down there and stopped in at GNC and Dollar Tree. Finally I went to Food Lion. I spotted organic eggs and bought them. There was more to see, but I headed home to keep the eggs cold. As I walked up to the house, the internet guys arrived. I went upstairs to hard-boil the eggs and to let Chris know the repair team had arrived. I don't know what they did, but we are now back on the internet, for awhile at least. Will post again later.


Crissie said...

Fern.... what part of the States are you in?


Anonymous said...

Nag's Head