Sunday, August 8, 2010

The Barbeque that Wasn't

I woke up just after 7, when my father got up. He forgot to set his alarm for 6. I am glad he got the extra hour of sleep. He had his list of things to pack. He spent the next few hours hunting down the remaining items on his list. I had breakfast, bathed, and dressed. I checked on Mom. Then vacuumed the livingroom. Or tried to. I had to change the bag. I think someone was going for the world's record for fullest bag. After that it was MUCH easier. Dad still wasn't ready, so I organized the pieces to the quilt top my mother is making. It's hard to tell what order the pieces are in because the fabrics are varigated. Faye came over to pack the car and her car. Michele and I didn't have much to bring, so we put our stuff in Faye's car. Finally at 10 we were ready to leave. I thought we'd be going up 95 to Kurt's place. But we headed more west, and took every back road north of Richmond. We passed lots of yardsales and vegetable stands. But my Dad wouldn't stop. Then we had tire trouble and had to stop to change it. Faye and Dad did that while I held a sunshade over my mother's head. That made us late. When we got to Kurt's place, I was surprised at how small it was. I had only seen it in pictures. But we did not have time to look, we had to get on the road to make the barbeque before it ended at 4. We were 2 minutes late and there wasn't a table in sight. Turns out the event is on the 21st. I had looked it up on Facebook and seen an earlier date, but that must have been for another year, or it was a different barbeque or something. So we ate in the Home's cafeteria. Dad insisted on paying for everyone's meal, but it was only $20 for the six of us. Then we visited Janet there. She has MS and couldn't move except for her head. But she is an excellent conversationalist. Then we went to visit her mother who had just come back to her room. She makes hangers covered in strips of tulle and sells them at the barbeque. Then it was time to meet Gwenda in the parking lot. She and her husband Dale, and Kenzie came to pick up Michele and I to spend the night. It was a half hour ride back to her house. She has 7 kids. We got a chance to talk for awhile before it was bedtime. Then everyone gathered in a circle, said a prayer, and went to bed. Michele slept downstairs and I slept upstairs. Very comfortable couches.
I awoke before 7 the next morning, and went into the downstairs bathroom to wash up and get dressed. I was waiting for Michele to wake up before I borrowed her computer to blog, but then came down to find her just close enough to awake to give me her password.

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