Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yogurt and coconut milk

Chris woke me up this morning with the big feather. But at 8 he got up to play a mod. From the sound of it, it was RPG meets CSI. Michele played, too. I had breakfast and got on my computer to read e-mail and follow links. I took a break to taste my fermented yogurt. It was good, so I put it into a jar with a can of coconut milk, and stirred it up. I left it sitting on the table. We had to put the jar of fermenting sauerkraut in a bowl because the fermentation process kept forcing liquid out of the top and onto the table. After lunch Chris wanted to go to the commissary to get stuff for supper, so I went with him. But first we stopped at the gas station, and then at his office to pick someone else's tomatoes. There wasn't a lot to get at the commissary. We got pizza shells for supper. After putting the groceries away, I went into my sewing room to finish a set of QOV blocks. Chris fixed 2 vegetarian pizzas for supper since we were having a vegetarian over for dinner. But he was late, so we ate before he got here. When he came, he was wet from washing in the river after hiking up a mountain. So Chris gave him some of his clothes to wear, but they were much too large. Romaric ate some pizza and talked to me for awhile. I showed him my sauerkraut experiment and my fermented yogurt experiment. The coconut milk and yogurt had changed. It had expanded to fill the whole jar. The top was like feta cheese. I shook it really well, and tasted it. It tasted like coconut ginger ale. Hmmm. That was several hours ago and I still feel fine.

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