Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Singing in the 'pee'

Sleepily, I got up at 6 to make Chris' sandwich. I remembered that Tim put a bag of fabric in the trunk of Chris' car on Sunday, so I dressed and followed Chris down to the parking deck. I carried the fabric up the steps to our apartment. Then went back to bed. Later I got up, showered, ate breakfast and read through my e-mail. Helen wants me to go water skiing with her next week and recommended that I watch some videos to prepare for it. So I did. Like everything else, it's on Youtube. About 10:15 I walked over to the thrift shop with my umbrella, in the rain. I should have worn my blue shoes since they need to get a little wet and would fit better. But they didn't go with my outfit. When I got to the thrift shop, Ella, the manager, was glad to see me. She has been gone all summer. So I was glad she was back. There was a ton of videos to shelve. Far too many for our shelves. So I weeded out a laundry basket full, and filled in the space with new videos. Many of the donated ones were home-recorded, so they went to charity as well. Four big trash bags of videos! Then I could start on the books... Oh, and they have two sewing machines that they'd like me to test out and fix if necessary. Well, I stayed until 4 but didn't get all that done. Then Ella closed up the shop and we went home. I forgot to mention that Tracie, a journalist, came to take some pics and write a piece about the thrift shop. She used my camera so I figure I can post one of the pics she took. MaryAnn gave me a ride back to my gate. The talkative gate guard was there, and when I asked, he told me the Korean word for rain was 'pee'. It was hard not to laugh. By the time I got home, it was almost 5. I ate some cold bean soup for supper, then Chris called to say he'd be late coming home. No problem. After clearing out more e-mail, I sat in my sewing room to figure out a new quilt design that takes advantage of all the 14" squares I cut. When I had one I liked, I started the cutting and turned on the TV to a movie in English but with Korean subtitles. We had to look up the actors to find out what movie it was: Village of the Damned. By that time I was into the story, and Michele with me. Oh well, I got all the pieces cut and will sew them tomorrow.
Also want to mention that I ate some of my fermenting sauerkraut. It is good, but it doesn't taste all that fermented yet.

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