Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Quilting at church

Although I got to bed late, I slept well. Michele slept with me on the sleeper sofa. In the morning we managed to get her connected to the net. My parents have just upgraded from dial-up to broadband with wifi. They have finally come into the 21st century. My Dad still likes to work in DOS however, and I told him there must be a support group for DOS users. After breakfast I drove my mom to quilt at her church. We were late because we had to stop for gas, and we got lost trying to find the church. We worked for several hours, stitching and listening to the craft group ladies. They did not actually do any crafts. They are more of a 'current events discussion' group. At 12:30 we drove home for lunch. During the afternoon I vacuumed the livingroom, ironed fabric that came in a kit my mother bought to make a quilt. I spent some time outside barefoot. Then we made supper together. After supper, more ironing. We tried to go to Hancocks but they closed at 8 and we were too late. So she and I got on their computers. I helped my Dad get an alias for Verizon, and helped my Mom send a message to everyone in her address book announcing their new e-mail address. There are going to be some interesting times changing everything over from Mindspring to Verizon.

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