Monday, August 9, 2010

Last Day in America

I had hard time sleeping on the cot. It was more comfortable than Michele's, but I had no wish to stay in bed longer than necessary. Kurt had left for work before six, I heard him leave. The others were slower in getting up. Faye and I were in a hurry to get back so we quickly ate and packed the cars, rushing my parents. Still, it was 9:30 before we left. Dad decided to take route 95 instead of all the back roads. Traffic was heavier than he expected, but not too bad. We stopped at a rest area for lunch. Dad asked me to drive the rest of the way, and then I realized that I didn't have my fanny pack with license and passport. Luckily Michele found it in Faye's car. Phew! Traffic was better and we got home about 2. We unpacked the cars and said goodbye. Faye drove us over to my in-laws house, stopping at Wal-Mart along the way. They did not have the coffee grinder I was looking for, but I got a couple of tops anyway. Once at my in-laws, we talked together for awhile then all went to a Mexican restaurant for supper. That was fun. Faye left from there, and we went back to the house. We watched Jeopardy, and put on 'Mama Mia'. During the movie I got an e-mail from Chris saying that due to an expected storm, the Korean airport might be closed when we get there, and we might be detoured to Japan for the night, so pack an overnight bag. Just so you know, Michele and I are flying back to Korea in the morning. I was hoping for a painless flight, so pray for us please. I do not know when I will be able to blog again or to check my e-mail. Hopefully my next post will be about how wonderful the flight was, and how I was worried for nothing.

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