Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eggs and rain

We got up at 8 (or a little afterwards) to make the deviled eggs. We peeled, and mashed, and re-filled two platters worth. Then we cut up the pumpkin bread before taking a shower. I ate breakfast and got dressed. We gathered all our food and headed out in the rain to the car. Neither of us had a hand free to hold an umbrella. We were 5 minutes late for church. After church Chris set out our food while Rick and I counted money. Then I found out that we were signed up to be greeters, not for refreshments. Our eggs were very popular. Luckily, there were some left for Michele. There was some bread left, too. We did not go to the commissary since Chris had gone yesterday to get eggs and stuff. We came straight home. We watched a movie called "Kelly's Heroes". Then I spent some time on the computer researching fermenting veggies, milk, buttermilk, etc. Chris watched a Harrison Ford movie. I took a break to do some sewing (an altered garment), but it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped. We had supper. I ate some more of my sauerkraut, and drank some kefir. I watched a few more Youtube videos and then took a long break to work out some Ken-Ken puzzles. They were easier than I remembered, and I did a whole stack. Now it is past time for bed.

1 comment:

Gwenda said...

Ummm... I like deviled eggs!