Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thrift and quilt

I awoke around 5, but tried to stay in bed. Finally I got up because there were mosquitoes in the room and it was too hot to cover up. Needless to say, I went to my computer. Chris got up at 6 to shower and dress for work. As I read through my e-mail, I was surprised to learn that your box spring mattress actually acts like an antenna; attracting and amplifying whatever radiation might be running through your bedroom. Yikes! Score one for waterbeds. I'm glad I ordered some shielding fabric. Anyway, after nine I took a break from the computer and turned my attention to a pricing gun. Geri had given it to me to fix before I went on vacation and I forgot all about it. I took the screws out, and found it had a piece of plastic jamming it. An easy fix. Then I packed lunch and walked to the thrift shop. I was there a little early. It was very hot and humid, so not a pleasant walk. I got all the books and Dvd's shelved, and even had time to straighten the shelves. Geri gave me another gun to fix. At 2 Chris picked me up at the shop and drove me to my gate. Bless him! I went home and prepared for my sewing student. She hadn't done a thing since before I left on vacation. But she brought some fabric that she wanted to make a purse out of. But no lining fabric. So I had her cut out the purse pattern, and then make a tube skirt out of the rest of the fabric. I planned on using 1" elastic, but then couldn't find any, so we used a strip of the fabric as a drawstring. It was supposed to be temporary, but she wanted to keep it that way. Her homework is to hem the skirt. After she left, I alternated between hard-boiling eggs on the stove, and listening to audios on the computer. Then Chris came home, with a box of supplements that came in the mail. He also told me that the mats from JoAnns had come in, too. But they were in the car which was waiting for me on post. I took the car to quilt class. All three mats sold immediately. Cathy demonstrated the Friendship star block. But not that many people showed up, so we had time to talk a little. After class I came home and got back on my computer and read about the practice of sun-gazing. And now it's time for bed. Will post a pic in the morning.

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