Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Manual labor

This morning I arose around 8. My parents were already up and going through their morning routine. I had breakfast and a bath. At 10 my mom and I went to Hancocks again. This time they were open. We didn't have a lot of time before her speech therapy appointment so we stopped quickly for the three items on our list. At one point my mother fell backwards, landing on the floor and hitting her head on a display case. I helped her up and she insisted she was fine. We finished too early to go directly to the appt, so we went home for 20 minutes. My Dad came with us to the appointment, then walked home, leaving us there. I went in with my mom. The therapist had her vocalize for the computer which showed a representation of her voice. Then the therapist read from Psalm 119 and Mom repeated after her, as loudly as she could. When it was over, we drove home. My brother was home for lunch, but didn't have much to say. He left before the rest of us had lunch. After lunch my parents went to the fitness center. While they were gone, I scrubbed the kitchen floor, for what seemed hours. Just could not get it clean. Tried several cleaners and the Murphy's oil soap did the best. I had just finished rinsing the floor when they got home. On their way home they looked for a Korean restaurant that was listed as being on Midlothian tnpk, but it had closed. Then Dad and I spent some time on the deck prying little acorns and sticks out of the cracks. Finally Mom called us for supper. After supper I drove to Fresh Market to get some Kim chi and kefir. But all I could find was broccoli sprouts. So I went to Food Lion. No luck but they said to try the midlothian Kroger. There I found both of those items. Their international section is incredible! They have labeled sections for Asian, Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, Brazilian, Mexican, Cajun, German, Polish, and maybe a few others. I should have taken a picture. But no natto.
Back home, I watered my broccoli sprouts and drank some kefir. Then I played the DVD of Michele acting in Doubt for my parents. They were impressed. Dad is washing the dishes and I have now finished blogging - for the day.

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