Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Namdaemun goes Christmas

I know this looks like a Thursday post, but that is because I am posting after midnight. Hopefully I can make this short. Ha!
The alarm woke me at 8. My back still hurt, and was stiff from lying in bed all night. But I got up, had breakfast and was reading e-mail when Maryann called. She was hoping I felt better and could go to Namdaemun with her. Because she intended to walk there from her apt, I agreed to go. She picked me up at my gate, stopped at the post office for me to mail my Mom a package, then suggested we drop by the Chosun. I stayed outside, and waited for her. Then we walked to Chris' office to get the mail. There was a really big package for me. It is the HappyLightDeluxe. Maryann had to carry it for me. We took all the mail back to her van and went to her apt. From there we walked to Namdaemun, and bought 8 vases for the auction decorations. We also bought flowers and searched for star confetti, but didn't find any. Finally we walked back, stopping at large hotel to go to the bathroom. They were putting up their giant tree. At her apt, we examined the vases and played with her cats. One crawled into a plastic bag and when it came out, got the handle around its neck. So the bag kept following the cat, which freaked it out, and Maryann had to catch it to release it. It lost a claw in the frantic running back and forth.
Around 6 we picked up her husband and he drove us to my place. They both helped carry all the mail and flowers up to the apt. Maryann filled the vases for me before she left. Then I cooked supper with the organic beef I had left out earlier. I didn't think Michele would like it because I cut up onions, garlic, pepper strips, and radishes. But when she came home, she put some in a burrito with cheese and was happy enough. We put on a Netflix movie that came in the mail - Atonement. What can I say about a movie that basically ends "they lived happily together. No, actually they both died before finding each other again, but we didn't want to tell you"? I worked on the binding of a small quilt during the movie but didn't get very far. Then I retired back to my computer to listen to an interview with Flylady. She gives tips for organizing and getting through the holidays stress-free.
While I was listening to her, Chris Skyped me. The connection was so bad, that we consented to text only. I am writing this blog while he types. Good thing he is slow at it.

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