Monday, November 15, 2010

Sew-sew day

Got up, made breakfast, checked e-mail quickly, showered, cut up cheese, packed my stuff, headed for post. Drove to SPC, Cathy was already setting up. As I helped her, more people showed up. She showed us her latest efforts: two twin quilts in different colors. Then we all made baby quilt kits and Helle sewed binding on a QOV. Lunch was partly healthy and partly empty carbs, so I did not get much to eat. I was looking for a chance to surreptitiously raid my secret stash of nuts and raisins. But we got busy again after lunch, and then MaryAnn came over with her three rolls of fabric. The others left, and she and I proceeded to cut up 100 yards of fabric into 45 inch squares. Also cut one 49 yard roll into 4 equal pieces. Maryann was so glad to have my help, that she took me out to eat (and invited her husband). We sat in Figi for three hours, eating sushi and talking. It was nice. But then it was time to go home. It was too late to park the car and walk through the gate, so I drove home. I would have walked but it was too cold. I did not have a clicker in the car, so I had to get the guard's attention to let me into the apt complex. He was either engrossed, or ignoring me. I parked on the lowest level and walked up, grabbing the clicker from the other car along the way. Maryann wants to go to Namdaemun tomorrow to get flower vases for decorations. So I will go along, after working at the thrift shop. Don't see how I will make 16 hours there this month. But am happy to go to bed just now. I strained my back this morning and it hasn't been happy since.
*I forgot to mention that I read a new way to beat a cold or the flu: put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear until the bubbling and tingling subside. Then drain that ear and do the other one.*

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